The “Liquid Engine Component” that realizes
100% performance of Yamaha products
YAMALUBE MARINE OIL is the best choice for your Yamaha Outboard
Yamalube Marine Oil is formulated to deliver the best in performance you would have expected from your Yamaha Outboard Engines, and in providing the optimum protection for your investment at the same time.
The Yamalube Marine Oil range has been developed specifically for Yamaha Outboard Engines, as our Yamaha Engineers have taken into full consideration of the different types of marine conditions that the Yamaha Outboard Engines are going through in your markets.
Every single component found in the Yamalube Marine Oil has gone through stringent checks and testing (from base oils, additives, anticorrosion, & anti-rust cleansing agents) in achieving that the best marine oil is being made, just for the Yamaha Outboard Engines.
Using Yamalube Marine Oil every time ensures enhanced cleanliness of your engine components and inhibiting sludge formation. The powerful antioxidant action protects and keeps the engine parts clean.
"Base Oil"
“Base Oil”, our carefully chosen material
Base oil is the critical ingredient in making engine oil and other oils. By refining crude oil or performing chemical treatments and blending, base oil can be made to have various properties. As an engine manufacturer, Yamaha carefully selects and uses the base oil best suited to various engine characteristics and their operating environments.
The optimal additive for
Yamaha products
Additives enhance the ability of base oil, and are essential to high-performance oil. The performance of oil depends on the blend of additives which have various effects, such as “stabilizing oil viscosity” and “keeping the inside of the engine clean”. We have carefully adjusted the additive ratio of YAMALUBE in order to maximize the performance of Yamaha engines.
Yamalube 4T Oils are an additive package that is specially formulated to fight corrosion, varnish, and wear for longer engine life.
Yamalube 4thì là dầu được pha chế đặc biệt để chống lại sự ăn mòn, ngăn chặn tạo lớp cặn giúp kéo dài tuổi thọ động cơ.
4Stroke Oil/ Dầu 4 thì
Feature/Đặc tính kỹ thuật:
+ 10W-30 multigrade/Cấp độ nhớt 10W-30
+ Provide extra protection during the critical cold-start period
Cung cấp sự bảo vệ bổ sung trong giai đoạn khởi động nguội
+ Protection against heavy load
Bảo vệ chống quá tải
+ Anti-Rust/Chống rỉ sét
+ Anti-Corrosion/Chống ăn mòn
+ Available in 1 or 4 Liter bottles/Có sẵn chai dung tích 1L và 4L
Order /Đặt Hàng
Yamalube 2T Oils are formulated with ashless detergents for maximum performance and minimum ring sticking, piston burning and spark plug fouling.
Dầu Yamalube 2 thì được pha chế với phụ gia làm sạch để mang lại hiệu suất tối đa giảm hiện tượng két dính, muội than ở pít-tông và tắc nghẽn bu-gi
2Stroke Oil/Dầu 2 thì
Features/Đặc tính:
+ Minimises wear/Giảm mài mòn
+ Anti-Rust/Chống rỉ
+ Anti-Corrosion/Chống ăn mòn
+ Suitable for oil-injection engines/Phù hợp cho động cơ phun dầu
+ Suitable for air or water-cooled engines/Phù hợp cho động cơ làm mát bằng không khí và nước
+ Available in 4 Liter bottles/Có sẵn chai dung tích 4L
Order/Đặt Hàng
Provides maximum protection for gears and internal components while operating at high speeds for extended periods. Includes special rust and corrosion inhibitors for long life.
Cho khả năng bảo vệ tối đa bánh răng và các bộ phận bên trong khi vận hành ở tốc độ cao trong thời gian dài. Dầu gồm các chất chống rỉ sét và ăn mòn đặc biệt cho tuổi thọ cao.
Gear Oil/Dầu Hộp Số
Features/Đặc tính:
+ Anti-Rust/Chống gỉ
+ Anti-Corrosion inhibitors/Ức chế ăn mòn
+ Anti-Corrosion/Chống ăn mòn
+ Available in 350ml, 750ml,1 Liter Bottles/Có sẵn chai 350ml, 750ml, 1L
Order/Đặt Hàng
Always use genuine engine oil as recommended by Yamaha